ALARA is a design studio that integrates architecture, interiors, cities, and landscapes, seamlessly to create a holistic spatial experience. Founded in 2010 by Founding Principal and Design Director M Iqbal Mardeka, Yolanda Fitria Septiani and Dyah Namira B
ALARA provide’s a sense of tranquility qualified by space, light in structural order, together with distilled architectural expression, ALARA capture’s the spiritual essence of ‘place’; while architecture and interior are inspired by the nuances of natural, cultural and climatic contexts that are integrated indefinitely between inside and out.

ALARA’S Ultimate goal is to create a healthy environment, both inside and outside, that improves physical, cognitive and social well-being
Ecological as a system that integrates and provides mutual benefits for the environment, spatial planning and the community itself. Promoting interconnectivity, as well as interaction for users and the ecosystem formed for the purpose of harmony and sustainability, is also expected to have a big impact on the users themselves and create a good impact for the city as a whole.

ALARA is an architectural and interior consultant, which services a wide variety of projects with a diverse scale of buildings and contributes to the best solutions of each project , by collaborating with consumers, and a wide variety of disciplines from “big ideas” focusing on quality in each project to give birth to the best details, where our beliefs, along with ambitious concepts are successful if accompanied by enthusiasm and good implementation as well. in order to satisfy consumers in order to create an environment that is shared and sustainable (sustains) and creates buildings that inspire and boast owners and for the surrounding community to meet the needs of personal and urban communities

M Iqbal Mardeka


Department of Architecture, University of Tarumanagara

Yolanda Fitria Septiani


Department of Architecture, University of Indonesia

Dyah Namira B


LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore

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